Support Coordination

Support Coordination offered by ESP Support Services is an invaluable resource for people with disabilities and their families. ESP Support Services provides support coordination services that are tailored to the individual needs of each person. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to find the best support solutions, to ensure that you are able to live the life you want.

We understand that having a disability can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to navigate the services and supports that are available. That is why our Support Coordinators take a comprehensive approach to support coordination. We look at the whole person and their family, to understand their needs and develop the best plan of action.

We provide expert advice on the types of services and supports that may be most beneficial to you and your family. We also coordinate with other service providers to ensure that you receive the services and supports you need. Our team is committed to advocating for and assisting people with disabilities to access the services they need to live the life they want.

We understand that each person’s plan may change, so we offer flexibility and individualized support. We have the experience and resources to help you find the right services and supports, so that you can achieve the best outcome. We take a holistic approach, ensuring that you and your family have access to the services and resources that are best suited to your needs.

At ESP Support Services, we are committed to helping people with disabilities and their families reach their full potential. We believe that everyone should have access to the support and services they need to live their best life. Contact us today to find out how our Support Coordination services can help you and your family.

Download Our Information Pack

Our Disability Support Services Information Pack is packed full of helpful information to help you and your family understand your rights and access the support you need. It includes information on our services, eligibility criteria, funding options, and more. Download our pack today and start making the most of the support services available to you and your loved ones.

Support Coordination Benefits

Support coordination is a service provided to people with disabilities to help them navigate and access the support and services they need to live independently and achieve their goals. Here are some of the benefits of support coordination for people with disabilities:

  1. Person-centered approach: Support coordination is centered around the needs and goals of the individual with a disability. It takes into account their unique circumstances, preferences, and aspirations and helps to develop a personalized support plan.
  2. Improved access to services: Support coordination can help people with disabilities to access the services and supports they need to achieve their goals. This can include medical services, education and training, employment opportunities, and housing support, among others.
  3. Increased independence: Support coordination can help people with disabilities to develop the skills and confidence they need to live independently. This can include assistance with daily living tasks, such as personal care and household management, as well as social and recreational activities.
  4. Advocacy: Support coordinators can act as advocates for people with disabilities, helping to ensure that their rights and interests are protected and that they receive the support and services they need.
  5. Coordinated care: Support coordination can help to coordinate care and services from multiple providers, ensuring that all aspects of the individual’s support plan are working together effectively.
  6. Flexibility: Support coordination is a flexible service that can adapt to the changing needs and goals of the individual with a disability. This can include adjusting the support plan as circumstances change or providing additional support when needed.
  7. Empowerment: Support coordination can help people with disabilities to take control of their lives and make their own choices. By providing information and support, support coordinators can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their own lives.

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